noun – a group of people, or a community with similar values, interests and shared resources.
We’ve come a long way in our modern era haven’t we?
We have…
Same day delivery;
Our faces open our phones;
Live streaming;
Oat milk, no foam lattes at just the right temperature (yum by the way!)
And yes …
From the beginning of time, families were anchored in community. We were surrounded by generous support through parents, grandparents, even great-grandparents, and of course neighbors. These were the people that knew us from our very beginning and were invested in our growth and prosperity. We learned from these individuals independently and collectively and there was an unspoken knowing of security that shaped who we are.
Fact, today we are in the most technologically advanced time in human history and yet fundamentally we desperately lack, and still crave, the basics within our human design, connection! To be seen, heard, held and loved, to grow and thrive into ideally the best version of ourselves.
Tribe of Mine ® is the modern family’s guide to harnessing traditions and creating new ones.
Schedule a free consultation and unlock all the possibilities.