I hired a doula to mostly emotionally and mentally prep myself for the journey of pregnancy and birth.
I knew immediately upon speaking with Renée that she was the right match. I responded strongly to her grounded, approachable, and warm nature— she took her role as a doula seriously but didn’t seem to take herself too seriously and made room for jokes and warmth.
I loved that.
Renée really empowered me through our months of working together— it was almost like having a maternal fairy godmother guide my way— she held up the mirror to myself and I strengthened the ability to trust my instincts in working with her. So much so that when I learned I would be induced due to cholestatis at 37 weeks— I felt confident in my ability to trust my gut and make the decisions I could within this new context. The day I was scheduled to be induced, my daughter decided to come on her own terms, and I serendipitously went into labor that afternoon — very quickly, giving birth four hours after arriving at the hospital.
I am so grateful for all Renée taught me along the way— I have a beautiful birth story and while my pregnancy wasn’t without its challenges, my experience was positive and I strongly believe Renée had a lot to do with that. I will never forget how she guided my daughter to my breast moments after her birth— because of that, and her support in getting Matilda to latch, we’ve gone on to have an amazing exclusive breastfeeding journey. She calmed my body and mind— both so important for any mama to be.
I will forever be so grateful for her guidance, knowledge, and support!
– Dana Curatolo
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