I will try to put into words the feelings I have in an attempt to express my gratitude.
Firstly, I would not have been successful without you. You believed in me, my body, my ability even when I questioned it. You knew what to do at every step – from our first conversation to the leading up to the birth, to actual birth & right after.
Thank you for helping me at home.
You just knew exactly what to do & coached me through it in a kind, gentle way (even when others were nervous, you knew how to handle them too ;). Knew what to do to progress labor and when to move to hospital.
I don’t know how you remained so present with me during the hospital delivery. A million people screaming at me – I focused on what you said. You just know. 30 mins in L&D, and baby was here. This was thanks to your cues. I would not have known what was happening without the cues you taught me. And after birth, helping us with immediate nursing & taking pictures!
You said to me that this would be my healing redemption birth. And I didn’t know what that meant to me before – I just wanted to try not to have a 3rd c section. I wanted a chance, and you made it possible.
My intention became reality. Yes I did my homework (a lot of it), but at the end- you made the difference.
The advocacy and keeping me on my intentional path allowed my baby to come earth side without drugs, without pressure, without fear. With trust, with education, with mindfulness, with preparation, with hard work, with love, with compassion & respect. This was the birth I didn’t know I wanted and was accessible to me. But it is possible for all of us.
Thank you for the experience. A vaginal birth after 2 c-sections (vba2c) is nearly impossible to achieve logistically. But we did it.
A 9lbs 5 oz, natural birth to a healthy boy. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart & depths on my soul xoxo!
~ Dr. Denise DeRosa
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